Posted 10/13/2020

Everyone always asks us about our recommended monthly skincare routine and the number one question that we get is, “What is one of the most important skincare treatments?” In this post, we are sharing a skincare treatment that our customers swear by!

Remove Dirt and Grime

In the image above, you are looking at all of the dirt, oil, dead skin and peach fuzz removed from one of our client’s skin. That is just one month’s worth of debris. Can you imagine if she didn’t do a dermablade with her hydra facial every month? Talk about a major pore back up!



Prevent Deep Milia

What is milia you are asking? Milia occurs when a strong protein called keratin, typically found in skin tissues, hair, and nail cells, gets trapped beneath the surface of the skin. Milia can occur in people of all ethnicities or ages and it can cause scaring if not removed by a professional. Why not prevent these ugly bumps on the front end with a dermablade?


Deeper Absorption of Products

Because dermablading clears the dirt and dead skin from your pores, it helps with deeper skincare product penetration. Get the full benefit from your skincare products. Don’t let them go to waste!

Skin Exfoliation

Dermablading provides an effective and safe exfoliation of the skin, much like a mini microdermabrasion. Dermablading is also beneficial for reducing the appearance of acne scars and fine lines over time!


Contact A Beautiful You Medical Spa Today. Call or Text 901-683-8220 clientservices@abeautifulyoumedicalspa.com

Founder – City Chic Living