Teen Acne Treatment
They say to put your best face forward in everything you do – but if you’re suffering from acne or acne scars, you might feel like your best bet is to stay in bed and hide all day. After all, acne scars can leave you feeling self-conscious about the way you look. It can even have a significant impact on your self-esteem and confidence, making you much less likely to take advantage of new social situations (i.e. talking to your crush) or try out for extracurricular activities.
No matter what acne woes you might be suffering from, it’s important to realize that the best solution isn’t found in an over-the-counter cream or a face wash. In fact, when it comes to battling your acne, your best treatment option could be as simple as undergoing laser/light treatments.
At A Beautiful You Medical Spa in Arkansas and Memphis, Tennessee, our technicians can help treat your acne and acne scars with a variety of innovative treatments. Take a look at some of the options we can use to get your skin clear, beautiful, and touchable:
- Blue Light Therapy: One of the biggest reasons why acne grows is because there’s too much bacteria on the face (think about it: all that touching, sweat, and grime has to go somewhere!). Blue Light therapy gets your skin looking beautiful by killing all of the bacteria with photodynamic therapy. The end result is fewer breakouts and smoother skin.
- I Peel Acne Lift: Most chemical peels and microdermabrasions are dangerous for people with acne to use. However, the I Peel Acne Lift was designed for spotty, acne-prone skin, meaning you won’t have to worry about scarring and scabbing. This peel combines powerful alpha and beta hydroxyl acids with soothing vitamin C, green tea, and comfrey to help treat current breakouts, as well as minimize acne scarring.
- Pixel Laser Skin Resurfacing: Laser skin resurfacing can be critical for minimizing the look of acne scarring. Using this special treatment, A Beautiful You Medical Spa technician helps stimulate collagen production, which accelerates skin turnover. The end result is skin that looks clear and unblemished in less time.
- ZO Skin Health: Once you’ve achieved your beautiful skin, ZO Skincare products can help keep it beautiful, clean, and moisturized. This line of skincare is perfect for people with acne-prone skin, as it won’t cause breakouts or clog pores – yet it’s gentle enough for everyday use.
Don’t let acne take over your life. Take back control with acne and acne scarring treatments at A Beautiful You Medical Spa in AR and Memphis, TN. Our Memphis location serves Germantown and Bartlett.