The Venus Viva™ is a highly customizable skin resurfacing service that delivers exceptional results with little downtime. This laser is powered by NanoFractional Radio Frequency (RF) technology, which is a fractional radio frequency system that allows our technician to have control of ablation and resurfacing for resolving mild to severe skin damage.

Three to four treatments are recommended, which are performed at four to six week intervals. The number of treatments required will vary from depending on your condition and can be assessed during your complimentary consultation.

Venus Viva treatments may be slightly uncomfortable, but should not be painful. Our clients have described an intense heat, similar to the feeling of sunburn, and the treated area will look red right after the treatment. Topical numbing cream can be used to reduce any discomfort.

After treatment, significant swelling of the treated area may occur and will be maximal at 24-48 hours. We tell our clients to keep your head elevated to minimize swelling. Also, it is not uncommon for clients experience swelling in the undereye area for the first 1 to 2 days, but this swelling will subside.

Skin resurfacing treatments are safe for all skin types with low downtime.

Contact A Beautiful You Medical Spa Today. Call or Text 901-683-8220

Founder – City Chic Living